Last Transfer {Letter #33}

Hello everyone!!

Happy Monday!! Get ready because these past like 3 weeks (or whenever it was that I last wrote a weekly) have been crazy ones!! Here are some highlights (and there are more in picture form at the end😁)

◇We got the cops called on us!! We accidentally parked in front of someone's illegal driveway so they called the police on us.... No worries though it all turned out well haha
◇We've been listening to Christmas music for about 3 months now and are super excited that it's officially Christmas season now πŸŽ„πŸ₯³
◇We met some of the most prepared people ever! We "randomly" knocked on their door, taught them the Restoration, and put them on date to be baptized! They already had been to church a couple times and knew that the restored gospel is true!
◇We got to eat Thanksgiving with a cute family in our stake. It was actually my first time eating a meal with a member! It was amazing!
◇We got transfer calls this week! Sadly, I'm going to be leaving West Jordan. I've been here for about 1/2 my mission (not all at once, but still...) so it feels weird to leave, but I'm excited to be heading to........ the Spanish YSA ward!! It's the only one in our mission so it covers the whole valley haha. It's going to be a blast!!

Spiritual thought:
We've been teaching our friends a lot about the commandments recently and it's had me thinking about the importance of the commandments and obedience to them. I love how it's explained in Mosiah 2:41-

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

The blessings of following the commandments are everlasting! Even when it may be hard, it's worth it!

1. I'm not going to say what that scratch is from but it may or may not have been from the same time that we got the cops called on us 😳
2. We accidentally got a second Thanksgiving dinner! Luckily they had to-go boxes so we just ate it the next day

3. District turkey-trot

4. "We're really into Christmas"

5. Obligatory district in-n-out pic

6. A rock that looks like a snake head that we run by every morning on our morning runs

7. The most epic Christmas decorations in our area! Their house is like completely covered....

8. District performance (did I mention we love Christmas?)


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